July 5, 2024

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday inaugurated the Sai Hira Global Convention Center in Puttaparthi, Andhra Pradesh via video conferencing. The event was attended by dignitaries and devotees of Sathya Sai Baba from all over the world, including Andhra Pradesh Governor S Abdul Nazir.

In his speech, Prime Minister Modi praised the services of Sathya Sai Trust and praised its various programs aimed at serving humanity. He expressed his joy at the expansion of Sathya Sai His Baba’s mission through the opening of a new convention center that combines spirituality and modernity.

The Prime Minister emphasized the cultural diversity and grandeur of the convention center and emphasized that it will be the center of discussion on spirituality and academic programs. He also noted that the inauguration ceremony was held concurrently with the Sri Sathya Sai Global Council Leadership Conference with the theme ‘Practice and Inspiration’.

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Prime Minister Modi emphasized the importance of good behavior by society’s leaders as society tends to follow the example of its leaders. He cited the life of Sri Sathya Sai as a living example of this principle.

The Prime Minister also highlighted India’s economic achievements, including being one of the world’s top five economies, having a thriving startup ecosystem, and having expertise in digital technology and 5G.

Prime Minister Modi encouraged Puttaparthi’s transformation into a digital economy and pointed out that a significant portion of the world’s real-time online transactions are already taking place in India. He urged his followers to work together to digitize the entire Puttaparthi district by the next Sri Sathya Sai His Baba’s birth anniversary.

He said that all devotees, irrespective of their language or culture, are connected to Prasanthi Nilayam and it is this aspiration that weaves India into a single thread and makes it immortal. He recalled that he had the opportunity to interact with Sathya Sai and live in the blessed shelter of Sathya Sai.

He recalled how easily Sri Sathya Sai conveyed profound messages. He recalled timeless teachings such as “Love all, serve all.” “Help me never to hurt you.” “Less Talk More Work”, “Every experience is a lesson – every loss is a gain”. “There is a sensitivity and a deep philosophy of life in these teachings,” the Prime Minister said.

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